After almost a full month of sharing balancing exercises, I understand why balance is so important and why it can also sometimes be so elusive.
My favorite balance exercise, so far, has been the balance test when I stood on one leg, balancing for 10 seconds. I am on my balance board every day, just for fun and because I can’t avoid it on my gym floor.
It has been said that it’s very difficult for many older adults to balance on one leg for more than 10 seconds. I cringe when I hear there could be a correlation between the ability to balance and longevity.
My belief is that balance relies on strong muscles and core. So, that means: the stronger your muscles, the better your balance!
Most of the exercises I shared with you this month required no balance tools as I wanted you to do them on the fly.
How’s your balance?
Just in case you want to take your balance exercises up a notch, here are my tried and true, honest to goodness favorites, that I use all the time. Email or dm me if you want more information on how to use them.
This rebounder is my go to for balance and for having a lot of fun. It’s also good for bone density and getting a great workout.
Yes4All Wooden Wobble Balance Balance Board
When I see this balance board, I have to get on it. That means I am on it alot. It’s fun and a worthy challenge.
This balance pad is made of foam and adds just enough of a challenge when you stand on it and balance. It’s also useful for padding under your knees while kneeling.
You may inflate this as much as you want. It will wobble as you exercise while standing, sitting, kneeling or under your toes or hands. It’s a winner.
Not just for step aerobics, this step is great for practicing stepping for balance and agility.
This agility ladder is great for brain health which is great for balance. It should help to improve your body awareness, coordination and balance- which is what we are talking about.
This is a half ball so it provides an unstable surface- just what you need to work on your balance. Ball side down you can try to do a plank and if you are daring, turn it the other way around so the ball is up and try a squat. It’s a good idea to have something in front of you to hold onto if you are just starting out.
Balance is something you need to work on and the work will pay off.
Balance is good.
Stay Balanced!
xx Gretchen
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