20 little changes for big weight loss results

This article was originally published on Today.com on October 28, 2013.  Gretchen is quoted in this article.

Forget about crash diets and killing yourself with exercise—these small steps can help you lose weight in a big way.

Eat off of blue plates

Ever wonder why McDonald’s color scheme is yellow and red? “We are naturally drawn to red, yellow and orange in our dining area or restaurants because psychologically it stimulates us to want to eat — and eat a lot. Studies show if you put your food on blue plates it can cause you to eat less,” says Tamal Dodge, a certified yoga instructor in Santa Monica, Calif. and star of the “Element: Hatha & Flow Yoga for Beginners” DVD.

Eat eggs for breakfast

According to a 2008 study published in the International Journal of Obesity, swapping out your morning bagel for eggs could help you lose 65 percent more weight. Subjects who ate eggs for breakfast lost more weight, body fat and inches from their waist than those who ate the same amount of calories in the form of a bagel. Researchers believe the higher protein content of the eggs helps you stay fuller, longer and leads to eating less throughout the day.

Put a big fork in it

You’ve heard that eating from smaller plates can help you eat less, but did you know that using a larger fork can do the same? A recent study by researchers at the University of Utah found that participants eating with a larger fork – one that held 20 percent more food—at an Italian restaurant ate about 10 percent less than those who used a regular fork. Researchers believe a smaller fork makes us feel we aren’t making as much of a dent on our plate so we’ll take more forkfuls to satisfy our hunger. (Note: This only worked with large portions. When diners were served smaller meals, fork size didn’t affect their consumption). So next time you’re order a super-sized entree, ask for a bigger fork to help you eat less. And while you’re at it, stop when you’re satisfied—not stuffed.

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Gretchen loves to write about fitness, running, and lifestyle over 50. Gretchen, 63, has been married for 35 years and is a mom to 4 grown children. She enjoys volunteering for charities in the Los Angeles area, loves running, and never misses her daily zoom corebarrefit class.

About Gretchen